Are you a real estate investor looking for money to fund your REO’s, Short Sales and Foreclosures? Some markets are still red hot, and while there is value out there, the competition for REO’s and short sales has caused a shortage in some markets of available properties, bidding wars and higher prices. We are also seeing many investors move their price bracket from their “usual” to a higher bracket where there is less competition. This means more money for the investor out of pocket on their deals, and many are asking how can they get there?
For some the answer is simple. Some investors are going to banks to leverage their portfolio, but we all know this has a 4 or 10 property limit depending on the bank/borrower. But going over 4 properties borrowers are meeting even more stringent guidelines.
Private lenders are now moving in to fill this gap in the market. Same as hard money and private money lenders have filled the gap that banks left open after the 2007 crash.
How are Private Lenders doing this?
Simple, with a portfolio 30 year loan product. The chart below shows the difference between a bank and a private portfolio loan.
[table id=Bank-loan-vs-Portfolio-Loan /]
If you need financing and you are either maxed out on bank loans, or you don’t qualify for a bank loan, consider our 30 year portfolio product. You can view that product here.