The hard money lenders New York story begins with the Uniform Commercial Code’s state-by-state adoption process that was introduced in 1952. This series of articles began to standardize the process by which security interests could be created in a property, a process...
Illinois is one of the few states where businesses still strive, despite the financial crisis, so expansions are not uncommon, especially since financing them is easier with the help of the commercial hard money lenders Chicago is home to. Of course, it is not...
You are short of cash and you were told that the hard money lenders in Brooklyn NY are the most accessible source of financing, but that does not mean that you should rush into applying for a loan without finding out the details. First of all, hard money loans are not...
If you are running a business in Columbia, Charleston, Summerville, Rock Hill or their surroundings, and you find yourself unable to cover the costs of a construction or rehabilitation project or to honor a commitment to one of your major clients, it might be helpful...
The economic crisis seems to have loosened its grip in Florida, as more and more business owners are beginning to invest in new commercial buildings or in renovating their old ones, and a rise in the number of approved commercial hard money loans in Miami FL has been...
Running a successful business nowadays means keeping up with the public’s expectations, and, when your budget is not enough to finance your expansion needs, you have only two choices: getting a loan from the bank or borrowing from the Atlanta GA commercial hard...