Have Inspections Done By Reputable Sources
Normally, if anyone in the home flipping industry hears the word inspection, they cringe. Inspectors can make you feel like pulling out your hair, and screaming out in frustration. However, home flippers must remember that these inspections provide reassurances for all parties involved. Reputable inspectors, as well as city officials, enforce codes for the benefit of everyone.
Have The Plumbing Checked
A sewer line is often not thought about, until it is too late. It is a dirty, grimy part of life that is kept out of sight, and out of mind. For home flippers, this is the worst possible strategy to have. Buying a property with drain, waste, or vent problems can result in huge losses to profits. Inspections can help to take some of this burden off of your shoulders. Plumbing inspection techniques may include…
- Camera inspections (with video)- Inspection companies often send video cameras through drain lines, or down the vent on the roof. This can pinpoint breaks in the line, roots growing in the line, or areas that may become a problem in the future. A video can be made of the entire process for future use, as a reference.
- Smoke Test- Basically, this is exactly what it says it is. Smoke is blown into the vent system, via the roof. If there are any breaks, cracks, nail holes, or broken seals, the smoke will leak out of the plumbing system. Plumbers can then find and repair problems, according to the results of the test.
- Hydrostatic Test- When this type of test is done, liquid is used to test the plumbing system. If there is a problem in the system, water will leak out, which will pinpoint where problems are. Damage can occur with this type of test, if the test is not properly performed.
Be Prepared With Our Help
Having the monetary stability for your business to be able to afford these unexpected expenses is a priority in today’s society. Our loans have helped many businesses nationwide, and there is a very good possibility that we can help your corporation, or LLC, as well. Anyone that has ever said that home flipping is easy, has never been on the front lines, but having reputable sources on your side can ease some of the burdens associated with home flipping.