Whether you’re a fix and flip rehabber, building a commercial residence, or investing in a property, your primary concern before beginning a project is going to be financing. Sure, you could go through a bank if your credit and financial history are spotless, but many aren’t going to fit that bill. On top of that, if you happen to be approved, you have the added worry that the process is going to take much longer than the time frame in which you need to have the money to begin, and you have to jump through an incredible number of hoops to get there. This is where hard money lenders like us come in to save the day.

Granted, it can be a tough choice to make due to all the companies out there that advertise hard money lending, especially if this is your first time looking for a private lending company. With these types of deals, it’s imperative that you know what to look for to weed through all the available options to find a company you feel you can trust. You need to be able to get through the process quickly and have it done correctly the first time – so, what determines a good hard money lender?

Attention To Detail

One thing that can make a hard money lender a great asset to your project is their attention to every detail of the deal. They should be responsive to your needs and attentive; essentially, they should be a second pair of eyes when going over documents, property values, and contractor agreements. This will enable them to close the deal for you quickly and efficiently, as well as provide expert advice on how best to handle all aspects of the deal when it comes to the property.

Organized And Reliable

This aspect of a good hard money lender is tricky, especially due to the amount of people claiming to specialize in all types of deals, including hard money lending. Hard money lending requires a detailed, step by step process for every single transaction, and your lender should have hard money lending as their sole specialty if they expect to be properly organized in order to complete the deal for you properly. Your reputation can be effected based on the quality of your lender, so making sure they are organized and completely reliable will ensure they keep the promises they make, and stick to the deal as outlined.


Possibly the most important aspect to consider when choosing a hard money lender is their level of experience. Again, it is wise to avoid lenders who claim to specialize in all types of loans, as they will likely not have a clear understanding of the complex terms and regulations that come with these types of deals. And experienced lender will have this knowledge and be able to quickly and efficiently originate the best loan for you, and create a winning situation for all.